- 1.1.1_supporting document_2023_24.docx-1
- 1.1.2_Supporting document_2023-24-3
- 1.1.3_Supporting Document_2023-24_compressed
- 1.2.1_Supporting Document
- 1.3.1_supporting document_2023-24-2
- 1.3.2_Chemistry_23-24_compressed-1
- 1.3.2_ACYH_BCOM_23-24
- 1.3.2_Botany_23-24_compressed
- 1.3.2._Geo_23-24 Sem-V_Field_Report_merged-1_compressed
- 1.3.2_MATHS_23-24_compressed
- 1.3.2_AECC_1_23-24
- 1.3.2_ zoology_23-24__compressed
- 1.4.1_2023-24_Action on Feedback report
- 2.1.1_Enrolment_Number_2023_24
- 2.1.2_Seats against reseaved category
- 2.2.1_Teaching_Learning_Methodology
- 2.2.2_Teacher_students_Ratio
- 2.3.1_2.3.2_ict & project
- 2.3.3_Ratio_of_Mentor_to_Mentee
- 2.4.1_List_of_Teachers_against_sanctioned_post
- 2.4.2_List_of_Teachers_with_PhD
- 2.4.3_List_of_Teachers_with_Teaching_experience
- 2.5.1_Mechanism_of_internal_assessment
- 2.5.2_Exma_related_grievances
- 2.6.1 and 2.6.2
- 2.6.3_Pass_percentage_2023_24
- 3.1.3-supporting-documents
- 3.2.1-journal-publication
- 3.2.2-book Chapter
- 3.3.1-NCC-NSS-Report
- 3.4.1_Collaboration_france
- 4.1.1. Geo taged photo of all classrooms, departments, labs, seminer room, research lab
- 4.1.2. Cultural Sports Merged
- 4.1.3. ICT Class
- 4.2.1. ILMS
- 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 nlist invoice
- 4.2.3 Audited Statement
- 4.3.1. IT UPDATE
- 4.4.2.Budget 2023-24
- 5.1.1 No of students benefited by scholarships provided by the Government during 2023-24
- 5.1.2 No of students benifitted by institutional scholarship_2023-24
- 5.1.4 Guidance for competitive exams_2023-24
- 5.1.5 Annual Report_ICC_2023-24
- 5.2.1 Number of placement of outgoing students during 2023-24
- 5.2.2 Number of students progressing to higher education during 2023-24
- 5.2.3 No of students qualifying state _national exam 2023-24
- 5.3.1 No of medals for outstanding performance in sports at university level_2023-24
- 5.3.3 No of cultural events in which students of the Institution participated during 2023-24
- 5.4.1 felicitation program_2023-24
- 6.1.1_supporting document_2023-24
- 6.1.2_Committee List_23-24
- 6.1.2_A case study in decentralized functioning_
- 6.1.2_2023-24_Syllabus Monitoring Committee
- 6.2.1_main supporting document_2023-24
- 6.2.1_2023-24_Development advisory action plan
- 6.2.1_2023-24_TC AGENDA 23-24
- 6.2.1_Finance agenda 23-24
- 6.2.1_BU NEP Regulatios
- 6.2.3_Supporting Document_2023-24
- 6.3.4_2023-24_RC OP merged
- 6.3.5 Academic-Administrative Audit Report-2023-24
- 6.5.3_MOU_Collaboration_23-24
- 7.1.1_Action Plan _gender Cell
- 7.1.2_LED_Bulbs_23-24
- 7.1.3_Solid Waste and Liquid waste management_23-24
- 7.1.4_Rain water Harvesting_23-24
- 7.1.5 _Green Landscape_23-24
- 7.1.7_Ramp_23-24
- 7.1.8_Supporting Document_23-24
- 7.1.9_supporting document_2023-24
- 7.1.9_Supporting Document_23-24_Syllabus
- 7.1.11_Supporting Document_23-24
- 7.2.1_Main Supporting Document for Best Practice_1 & 2
- 7.2.1_Best Practices_
- 7.3.1 Free studentship_2023-24
- 7.3.1_Free studentship_