Internal Complaints Committee Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya, Sainthia

Context Women have the right to pursue their dreams and give wings to their knowledge and abilities. The contribution of women is indubitably essential for the progress and prosperity of a society. The contributions of women in different walks of life are not sporadic achievements for occasional celebration. Women are making differences every day, everywhere, and in every way. The fabric of the society will be pitiably week without her contribution. When we talk of a woman’s contribution, it is not limited to home, she has made her decisive presence felt in the world. When she has shown the spirit to step out and work, the same should not be dimmed with fear of safety, security and/or discrimination. It is the duty of the society as a whole to provide people of all genders with all the necessary means to feel confident, secure, and safe. This is not simply for the growth of women, but in fact for the excellence of a society. If the wings of women are clipped the nation shall not soar high in the sky of success. Therefore, it is our responsibility as a community to provide safety and security to women at workplaces.

About the Committee The provision vested in Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, and executed through Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya is for the prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of all stakeholders of the institution at the workplace – teaching and non-teaching staff, other contractual or temporary staff and importantly the many students of the college. The email ids of members, who can receive a complaint and promptly intervene, have been shared. We receive written complaints on paper as well as via email (not confined to office hours). The ICC of Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya constitutes of the following members:

Smt. Rita Sarkar, Presiding Officer (ritasarkar85@gmail.com)

Smt. Aparna Ghosh, Member

Sri. Tanmay Mathur, Member (tanmaymathur74@gmail.com)

Smt. Sabana Begum, Member

Smt. Sumana Das, Member (sumanadas.1234@rediffmail.com)

Smt. Pratima Mukherjee, Member

Smt. Latika Chakroborty, Member

Sri. Palash Pal, Advocate


Objective The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya believes in zero-tolerance to sexual- harassment, gender-based violence and gender-based discrimination. The committee understands and adheres to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, brought into force by addressing the Vishaka Guidelines. ICC of Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya is entrusted with the responsibility of receiving, investigating and redressing grievances pertaining to sexual harassment, gender-based violence or gender-based discrimination. Considering the sensitivity of the matter, we also understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality of the complainant. Right to equality is a fundamental right in the Constitution of India. It prohibits discrimination based on race, caste, religion, sex, or place of birth. A person of any gender is entitled to equal opportunities, respect, and freedom at workplace. ICC of Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya believes that any breach in this must be seriously noted and addressed.

Since, the duty of the ICC is not just to redress an incident of sexual harassment but also find ways of preventing and prohibiting it, we organise programmes, events, sessions to sensitize all the stakeholders of the institution about prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment at workplace, as per POSH Act, 2013. Our objective is not only to have a safe and secure workplace but also to ensure gender equity so that women can work with dignity and confidence.   Vision Contributing towards building an egalitarian society where all forms of discrimination based on gender are eradicated and a person of any gender can get access to all opportunities without any worry or anxiety about safety or discrimination.